Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I like it
 On the beach with lots of blankets
So the sand stays off your nice bits
With a big old yellow Moon just smiling down
A luscious blonde and a big bottle
Chocks away and go full throttle
Then drink and laugh before another round

I like it
On the dining table
(as long as it is stable)
As the dishes from a great meal crash and fall
The cruet set goes flying
Amidst the heaving and the sighing
And the Peach Melbas end up smeared across the wall

I like it
When there’s crashing thunder
Lightning splits the clouds asunder
The rain beats on the roof like jungle drums
Tangled in the bed sheets
In the steamy summer wet heat
Sweating tight within each others’ arms

I like
Lots of B words
Like Brunette Blonde and Boobs
 Buttocks Bosoms and Backside’s OK too
Slinky Slit and Sideways
S words are not mentioned enough nowadays
Supple Scented Slippery and Screw

I like
The sensory confusion
And nibbling small protrusions
The touch of lace and silk under my hand
All the tense anticipation
And the quiet desperation
 Deciding when to retreat or take a stand

Some try to deny it
But I think everybody likes it
It’s the best fun lying down or standing up
They’ve not found a way to tax it
‘Cept for the sales tax on a mattress
There’s nothing like a good old fashioned .... !

Hastings, 2011

Note: For those of you with a sense of rhyme and meter I know the Peach Melbas could have been smeared elsewhere. I thought about it but decided it was a little crass - not to mention sticky.

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